Archive for the ‘ Words ’ Category

Dominic Lawson. Of course he’s an evil wretch – he’s a Tory. Sunday Times 18.11.12

A shattered-looking Lord McAlpine agreed last week that he had been “consigned . . . to the lowest circle of hell” as a result of Newsnight’s grotesquely unfounded linking of him to the sexual abuse of children. What McAlpine perhaps didn’t appreciate was that as the former treasurer of the Conservative party under Margaret Thatcher, he had long ago been categorised as satanic.

For many on the left it is axiomatic that anyone associated with Thatcher, or even with the Conservative party in its other less abrasive manifestations, must be wicked. Not just wrong; evil. It is perhaps that which explains why it was leading lights of the left-wing Twitterocracy, among them George Monbiot and Sally Bercow, who had delightedly anticipated Newsnight’s imaginary exposé of paedophilia in high Tory circles.

Monbiot is now properly remorseful. Yet how could someone normally so conscientious in his research have taken pleasure in the lazy assumption that Newsnight had the goods? It can be based only on the mindset, subliminal or consciously held, that a man with McAlpine’s political background should not be given the benefit of any moral doubt: that someone who raised money for the Tories is capable of any depravity.

It is hard to tell how widespread this thinking is within the BBC itself. My friends in the corporation insist that the story, while appallingly shoddy, was not motivated by any animus against the peer because he was a Tory. So treat as an aberration, if you like, the following admission by the man who was until last month the BBC World Service’s Africa editor, Martin Plaut. Given a questionnaire by his local newspaper website last week, Plaut answered “Who or what do you hate and why?” with: “Tories . . . So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin.” The very recently ex-BBC man was quoting the late Nye Bevan, rather than inventing the phrase himself; still, it is quite something to hate a third of the British population with such a level of intensity.

When I mentioned this to an old BBC colleague of Plaut, she laughed and said: “Martin is no extremist. He’s just standard left-of-centre, not too bright, with all the usual stock of unexamined ideas.” That makes his remark more, rather than less, disturbing.

Can it really be “standard” that grown-up men and women, rather than just undergraduates working off adolescent rage, believe there is no moral distinction between, say, John Major and Adolf Hitler? Apparently it can: another friend, who used to be more closely aligned to the left herself (and is still no Tory), tells me that when she revealed to some of her old mates that she had friends who voted Conservative, “they recoiled with shock; it really was as if I had said that I enjoyed the company of child molesters”.

Her analysis of this phenomenon is that many people on the left “are principally concerned to feel good about themselves; the more wicked they can paint their ideological enemies, the better they themselves must be. Perhaps it’s even based on a psychological terror of their own dark side.” It’s dangerous to generalise — although enormous fun — but I don’t believe it’s standard among the right-of-centre in Britain to regard those on the left as depraved merely on account of their political opinions. We may think of them as misguided, but definitely not moral misfits.

Certainly that was the way I was brought up. My father would quite often invite Labour party figures to our home for dinner and would have regarded it as juvenile and even barbaric to allow political differences to create a social Berlin Wall. Perhaps Conservatives are more able to separate the personal from the political. This seems beyond Polly Toynbee, the former BBC correspondent who now works for The Guardian. Last week she called for the scripts of The Archers to be infused with much more political content, complaining that the characters do not “say a word about benefits . . . No mention of working tax credit to top up Ed Grundy’s pay, nor of housing benefit for their rent”.

The idea that Radio 4’s cosy, long-running soap should be a vehicle for agitprop is not, I suspect, one that would meet with approval in many homes tuning in for their dose of domestic drama. Actually, if Ambridge were recast to give voice to the political views of rural middle England, which is presumably its location, the result might appal the leader writers of The Guardian (“Here, Dad, that Nigel Farage is right: those foreigners can get back to eastern Europe, where they belong. Our lad would have got a good job if it weren’t for them” . . . dum de dum de dum de dum and fade music).

Perhaps the best-known expression of the left’s view that anyone who opposes it must be suffering from moral turpitude was Gordon Brown’s dismissal of a voter raising that very concern during the 2010 election campaign as “that bigoted woman”.

Admittedly, this description by Brown of Gillian Duffy (a Labour voter, as it happened) was said in private, but it was captured by a television microphone the prime minister had failed to detach from his jacket; indeed, it was precisely the fact that the remark was not meant for broadcast that made it so telling. Suddenly the public could see what the Labour leader really thought about those who disagreed with him; and poor Mrs Duffy was visibly shaken when it was revealed to her.

The incident also encapsulated why Brown was a much less successful politician in a democracy than his predecessor. For Brown, all Tories were indeed wicked; he would never mix with those he suspected of being connected in any way with that evil party — and as a result he was completely out of touch with a wide cross-section (both rich and poor) of the British people.

He was no hypocrite, though: in the great parliamentary expenses scandal he came out almost untainted. Yet in the past fortnight two more Labour MPs have been revealed as having falsified their expenses: Denis MacShane and (after a trial in her absence) Margaret Moran. Can it really be just a coincidence that, although there have been a couple of Tory peers sentenced, every single one of the members of the House of Commons who has been convicted was a Labour MP?

Some have suggested this is deeply paradoxical: aren’t Tories meant to be the greedy bastards, rather than men of the left such as, for example, Barnsley Central’s Eric Illsley and Bury North’s David Chaytor, who both served prison sentences for their fraud? A more psychologically compelling explanation is that there is a certain type of man of the left for whom the intrinsic moral rectitude of his public position (as he believes) allows him to preserve his sense of being on the side of the angels even while his personal conduct is corrupt.

It is a form of impenetrable moral vanity, only reinforced by the genuine outrage with which such people can continue to castigate the profit motive; and as my friend pointed out, the more they stigmatise their political opponents as wicked or even evil, the more they can retain their moral self-esteem.

The most hateful of all such opponents are those, such as the late Keith Joseph, who make the ethical case for markets. This is why that genuinely good and kind man was subjected to boycotts, vile abuse and even physical attacks when he dared to suggest that socialism destroys moral responsibility and that those who make fortunes in competitive markets (through lower prices or better products) are serving the public good more than any trade union leader. If he were alive today, Joseph would definitely be at risk of being labelled a paedophile.


Published on this blog without permission, if anyone has a problem with this, contact me and I’ll take down asap.

Peter Simple. A Terrible Thought.

As I read a report of a debate in the Commons on rules about immigration, with Mr Hattersley, the Shadow Home Secretary, in full flood and accusations of’ ‘racism’ flying about the place, a terrible thought came to mind.

What is ‘racism’ (or ‘racialism’, as it was called before it became according to liberal consensus, the one sin which may not be forgiven either in this world or the next)? If it means ‘racial discrimination’ it can be anything from the crankish theories of Alfred Rosenberg, the Nazi expert on ‘racial science’, to an instinctive and general harmless human preference to one’s own kind; a belief, until recently unquestioned by the sane, that there are differences, not necessarily implying superiority or inferiority, between one race and another.

In this latter sense almost everybody in the world is a ‘racist’. My terrible thought was this: that one day,  just once,  as one of the periodical orgies of cant on this subject was raging, some Member of Parliament might get to his feet and say: ‘I am a racist. And so, you hypocrites, are you’.

It might be the end of the world. On the other hand, it might make everybody feel a great deal better.


From; The Best Of Peter Simple 1980-1984, from the columns of The Daily Telegraph. by Michael Wharton.

Adam Curtis interview.

link to original online article

Isaac Deutscher on Trotsky on Art. From The Prophet Armed 1879-1921.

As a Marxist, Bronstein was not impressed by the pretensions of art for art’s sake. “Like a paper kite [that art] can soar to heights from which all earthly matters are drowned in grey indifference. But even after it has reached the clouds, this poor “free” art still remains tied to a strong rope, the earthly end of which is tightly gripped by the philistine”

“Literature without the power of great synthesis”, he wrote on another occasion, “is the symptom of social weariness and is characteristic of sharply transitional epochs” He therefore viewed critically the then fashionable symbolist trend; but he did so not because he favoured narrow realism. On the contrary: “Artistic creation, no matter how realistic, has always been and remains symbolist. . . .The purpose of art. . .is not to copy reality in empirical detail but to throw light on the complex content of life by singling out its general typical features. . . . Every artistic type is broadly a symbol, not to speak of such highly symbolical images as Mephisto, Faust, Hamlet, Othello, artistically embodying definite “moments” of the human soul. . . ” The symbolist school, however, he held, was trying to elevate the means into an end in itself and, so, was degrading the symbol from an intensified expression of human experience into a means of escaping from the experience.

Raplh Waldo Emerson. {On Bullshit} from Self Reliance.

Their every truth is not quite true. Their two is not the real two, their four is not the real four; so that every word they say chagrins us, and we know not where to begin to set them right. Meantime nature is not slow to equip us in the prison-uniform of the party to which we adhere. We come to wear one cut of face and figure, and acquire by degrees the gentlest asinine expression. There is a mortifying experience in particular, which does not fail to wreak itself also in the general history; I mean “the foolish face of praise”, the forced smile which we put on in company where we do not feel at ease in answer to conversation which does not interest us. The muscles, not spontaneously moved, but moved by a low usurping willfulness, grow tight about the outline of the face with the most disagreeable sensation.

{On Bullshit} = My contribution

Jack Kerouac/Coleman. The San Francisco Scene/No Strings Attached

download mp3 (7.8mb)

Now it’s jazz, the place is roaring, all beautiful girls in there, one mad brunette at the bar drunk with her boys. One strange chick I remember from somewhere, wearing a simple skirt with pockets, her hands in there, short haircut, slouched, talking to everybody. Up and down the stairs they come. The bartenders are the regular band of Jack, and the heavenly drummer who looks up in the sky with blue eyes, with a beard, is wailing beer-caps of bottles and jamming on the cash register and everything is going to the beat. It’s the beat generation, it’s beat, it’s the beat to keep, it’s the beat of the heart, it’s being beat and down in the world and like oldtime lowdown and like in ancient civilizations the slave boatmen rowing galleys to a beat and servants spinning pottery to a beat.

The faces! There’s no face to compare with Jack Minger’s who’s up on the bandstand now with a colored trumpeter who outblows him wild and Dizzy but Jack’s face overlooking all the heads and smoke. He has a face that looks like everybody you’ve ever known and seen on the street in your generation; a sweet face. Hard to describe, sad eyes, cruel lips, expectant gleam, swaying to the beat, tall, majestical – waiting in front of the drugstore. A face like Hunke’s in New York (Hunke whom you’ll see on Times Square, somnolent and alert, sadsweet, dark, beat, just out of jail, martyred, tortured by sidewalks, starved for sex and companionship, open to anything, ready to introduce new worlds with a shrug). The colored big tenor with the big tone would like to be blowing Sunny Stitts clear out of Kansas City roadhouses, clear, heavy, somewhat dull and unmusical ideas which nevertheless never leave the music, always there, far out, the harmony too complicated for the motley bums (of music-understanding) in there.

The drummer is a sensational 12-year-old Negro boy who’s not allowed to drink but can play, tremendous, a little lithe childlike Miles Davis kid, like early Fats Navarro fans you used to see in Espan Harlem, hep, small – he thunders at the drums with a beat which is described to me by a near-standing connoisseur with beret as a “fabulous beat”. On piano is Blondey Bill, good enough to drive any group. Jack Minger blows out and over his head with these angels from Fillmore, I dig him – now it’s terrific. I just stand in the outside hall against the wall, no beer necessary, with collections of in-and-out listeners, with Verne, and now here returns Bob Berman (who is a colored kid from West Indies who barged into my party six months earlier high with Dean and the gang and I had a Chet Baker record on and we hoofed at each other in the room, tremendous, the perfect grace of his dancing, casual, like Joe Louis casually hoofing). He comes now in dancing like that, glad. Everybody looks everywhere, it’s a jazz-joint and beat generation madtrick, you see someone, “Hi,” then you look away elsewhere, for something someone else, it’s all insane, then you look back, you look away, around, everything is coming in from everywhere in the sound of the jazz. “Hi”, “Hey”. Bang, the little drummer takes a solo, reaching his young hands all over traps and kettles and cymbals and foot-peddle BOOM in a fantastic crash of sound – 12 years old – but what will happen?

with thanks to Call Me A Lyre

Inherit The Wind (1960) Brady the Bible expert.

download 6.2mb (mp3)

Brady: (Fredric March)

“Is it possible that something is holy to the celebrated agnostic!?”

Drummond: (Spencer Tracy)

“Yes! the individual human mind!..

In a child’s power to master the multiplication table there is more sanctity than in all your shouted amens and holy-holies and hossana’s, an idea is a greater monument than a cathedral and the advance of man’s knowledge is a greater miracle than all the sticks turnt to snakes for the parting of the waters. But now, are we to forgo all this progress because Mr. Brady now frightens us with a fable?

Gentlemen, progress has never been a bargain, you have to pay for it, sometimes I thinks there’s a man who sits behind a counter and says…Alright you can have the telephone, but you lose privacy and the charm of distance. Madam you may vote, but at a price, you lose the right to retreat behind the powderpuff or your petticoat. Mister! you may conquer the air, but the birds will lose their wonder and the clouds will smell of gasoline.

Darwin took us forward to a hilltop from where we could look back and see the way from which we came, but for this insight and for this knowledge we must abandon our faith in the pleasant poetry of Genesis”


“We must not abandon Faith! Faith is a most important thing!”


“Then why did God plague us with the power to think Mr.Brady, why do you deny the one faculty of man that raises him above the other creatures of the Earth, the power of his brain to reason? what other merit have we? the Elephant is larger, the Horse is swifter and stronger, the Butterfly is far more beautiful, the Mosquito is more prolific, even the simple Sponge is more durable! what does a Sponge think?”


“I dont know, I’m a Man not a Sponge!” (Court laughs)


“What do you think a Sponge thinks?”


“If the Lord wishes a Sponge to think, it thinks.”


“Do you think a Man should have the same privileges of a Sponge?”


“Of course!”


“This man.. (the Teacher who Drummond is defending for teaching about Darwin) ..wishes to accorded the same privileges of a Sponge!

He wishes to Think!”

Scopes Monkey Trial link

Mobb Deep: The Infamous (1995) 320kbps


1  . The Start Of Your Ending (41st Side)
2  . The Infamous Prelude
3  . Survival Of The Fittest
4  . Eye For An Eye (Your Beef Is Mine) Ft. Nas & Raekwon
5  . Just Step Prelude
6  . Give Up The Goods (Just Step) Ft. Big Noyd / Produced by Q-Tip
7  . Temperature’s Rising Ft. Crystal Johnson /Co-Produced by Q-Tip
8  . Up North Trip
9  . Trife Life
10. Q.U. – Hectic Ft. Darc Nature
11. Right Back At You Ft. Ghostface Killah, Raekwon & Big Noyd
12. The Grave Prelude
13. Cradle To The Grave
14. Drink Away The Pain (Situations) Featuring AND Co-Produced by Q-Tip
15. Shook Ones (Part II)
16. Party Over Ft. Big Noyd

Thought I would drop some NY/Queensbridge stuff on y’all.

I have to say I seriously slept on Mobb Deep when they first came out, I was moreinto the Native Tongues stuff like A Tribe Called Quest/De La Soul/Pharcyde, and into diversifying my tastes into other genres (notably House/Techno in all its forms). The lyrical content of acts like Mobb Deep used to turn me off (as well as a pure hostility towards fans of House music from Hip Hop heads), I didn’t then identify with the drugs/ghetto/guns/bitches life they rapped about, and in the days when you had a finite choice of what music you bought or heard, I chose not to buy, or even listen.

You could do that back in the day. The whole music owning thing genuinely took more of an effort. There were whole artistic genres and acts that would totally pass you by. The digital age has changed all that, there’s no reason to miss anything, and I don’t. Now we dissect the discographies of our favourite producers/artistes & musicians at no monetary cost, in a heartbeat.

Those that lived through that time need to tell those that didn’t how much money we used to spend out of our wages/benefits/pocket money, and how much physical labour we used to put in to go from shop to shop to shop. It was fun though, great hobby. No amount of trendy revisionism will bring it back, hardy har, get yer own culture.

This past year I’ve been falling back in love with Hip Hop (particularly the East coast sound of the loose mid-Nineties), I’ve been joining the dots, collecting all those rare remixes and releases by the likes of DJ Premier, Pete Rock, Large Professor that I’ve either sold ( I boasted one of the best Hip Hop collections in Bristol) or never could get hold of.

Heres a few videos of tracks from the album for you to try before you make the effort to download (Dont work on WordPress because WordPress is a BITCH/ just double click and it will take you to youtube), and don’t be a pussy like me back in the day and be put off by the ghetto talk, this shit is high-grade art with contributions by some of the greatest Hip Hoppers of the day, including Nas, Raekwon, Ghostface & Q-Tip. An album that is widely thought to be only second to Illmatic as the greatest Queensbridge LP of the day/ever, an important record in the New York rap renaissance of the mid 90’s as a whole.

Incidentally my opinion on the whole East/West coast thing is that the cold jazzy beats of the East coast suit the ghetto/gangster chat better than the messy West coast juxtaposition of warm P-funk beats with drive-by lyrics.. enjoy.

General Election 2010. Review Part One: Labour.Post election Labour & Liberal Democrat Negotiations.

General Election Results for the United Kingdom Of Great Britain & Northern Ireland. May 6th 2010 First Past The Post System.

Objective; 326 seats for a controlling majority (a majority which cannot be defeated in a government vote with all other seats combined)

Resulting in a Hung Parliament, with coalition government negotiated between the Conservative Party and Liberal Democrat Party with a majority of 363 (expected to rise to 364 with a Conservative win at the first Bi-Election)


Post election Labour & Liberal Democrat Negotiations.

Some blame the Liberal Democrats for not getting-it-on with Labour in a coalition of the losers (as the Tory media called it), or a ‘Progressive’ coalition as was being touted by those on the left and centre left. If there was any chance of a Lib-Lab pact, it was the institution and the personalities of the Labour Party who intentionally scuppered it.

In the face of the strange yet more plausible option of a Con-Lib deal, so-called progressives were momentarily demanding a dreamy possibility of a Rainbow Alliance, with encouragement coming from Scottish Nationalist leader Alex Salmond and Lib-Dem Baroness Shirley Williams, who both let it be known that progressive coalition with the Labour Party was the preferred option. The New Labour project which has been controlling government for the last 13 years would of course never reject what was even a slim to non-existent chance of power, and a nice chance to snoop at what the Liberals and Conservatives were planning to boot. Maybe at the first meeting there was a tiny chance of a coalition, for a moment during the talks it seemed a genuine possibility that a theoretical coalition could be formed representing the disgruntled left and centre left parties of the United Kingdom, this union would have to consist of New Labour, Lib-Dems, the Scottish/Welsh Nationalists, Caroline Lucas the first and solitary MP for the Green Party, and the various parties of Northern Ireland minus the Irish Independents Sinn Féin who never take up their Westminster seats, on a point of political principal.

Although the mathematical possibility of a Lib-Lab-SNP-Plaid Cymru-DUP-SDLP-Alliance-Green pact would take the coalition into majority territory. A theoretical non-chance is about as close as it got. The tribal drums of Labour banged hard and suggested they are not going along with all this trendy but substantial Con-Lib new politics talk that is being banded at the moment. They were firmly in party survival mode, and who can blame them?, for the last three years they had been expecting a reverse wipeout ala 1997. Add to this the fact they have been the voice of power for half a generation and you can almost understand how they found themselves in the exalted position of not thinking too much about what has gone wrong for them. A moribund mixture of imperial defeatism with none of the vim & vigour shown by those in recent and no doubt thoughtful opposition.

Labour was never prepared for the question at hand, unsurprising some may say as they have indeed spent the last few years with a loser mentality. A Lib-Lab-Rainbow coalition could have made the most sweeping progressive change of the New Labour period of power, and all this only at the end of their tenure, whilst clinging on for dear power. The project was calmly falling through the air with their middle management poker faces on, wondering when to pull the cord. The Lib-Lab talks were a non-event. You do not have to scratch beneath the surface of the Labour project (and there is plenty of surface) to realise why talks were destined to fail and everyone sort of knew it. Today, looking back to the first few post-election days from outside the eye of the storm, Labour could have offered the moon on a stick, but it was never deliverable. The offer by Labour to the Libs for immediate electoral/constitutional change was likely only chucked in as a stick to beat them with over the next five years.

In facing a well prepared Lib-Dem team, another problem the New Labour negotiating group would have had to resolve if it could be bothered, was the hope that the parliamentary Labour party would show themselves unified enough to be able to get their heads together and retrieve a real electoral and political change from, in my opinion, 13 years of uninspiring bureaucratic nanny state control. A progressive victory perhaps from the jaws of defeat?. Not on your Nelly!.

The truth of the Labour parliamentary situation was of vocal hostility to any leftist coalition. And an undermining of any chance of a deal for a progressive parliament from senior Labour figures, who I think its safe to say were representing accurately the general feeling of either the Labour Party as a tribal whole, or one or two select individuals, possibly one of the potential incoming Labour leaders. The way such luminaries such as John Reid, David Blunkett and Dianne Abbot (I will be interested to hear who they support in the forthcoming Labour leadership election) darted between the BBC, Sky, and ITV correspondents at the very moment Labour & Lib Dem discussions were under way was one fine example that it was Labour as a party who had the complete inability and lack of will to adapt style and politics for the moment at hand, they were a resigned vocal roadblock to the pipe dream of a progressive union. The strategic truth of the Labour government situation was that Labour was a busted flush from the moment the dominating un-elected clampet  Gordon Brown was appointed leader.

It was Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg who hammered the last nail into his political coffin with one particular hung parliament pre-negotiating rule during the election run-in, that being, in the event of a hung or balanced parliament (as pro-coalition parties like to call it) and if voting patterns had decided against him (and they certainly did), a coalition of the left could never materialise with Brown in charge. So when the Liberals went into discussion with the Labour, it became obvious that Gordon Brown had no other option but to announce his future resignation in the event of a unlikely Lib-Lab-Rainbow coalition (remaining as PM for a few months, right after he potentially agrees to a new coalition which he will not have any part of). It was the Liberals who signalled the end of Gordon Brown, a man who served a shorter period of time than any other previous Labour Prime Minister, it was not the members of parliamentary Labour Party, who have been itching to do it since Blair.

The Libs Dems triggered the long waited Labour leadership contest which at the time led to the ridiculous theoretical chance that whoever the new leader was, they could be end up as next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in a progressive coalition. It was at this point it became immediately obvious that Labour was out of the power game. The Con-Lib deal being the only show in town. Brown had no credibility or mandate in negotiating an agreement for a future for his party that the then unknown incoming leader would have no kind of obligation to uphold, abide or agree to.

The Machiavellian manoeuvring behind the scenes in the last three years for victory in a Labour leadership election equates to the overriding reason Labour never had a hand and were as just as likely going through the motions for future leverage and extra platform in opposition. The fact that mooted potential leadership candidates Ed Milliband & Ed Balls were two of the Labour negotiating team leads to other clashes of interest and has to be questioned too, particularly by lefties appalled at the Con-Lib coalition who believed the negotiations to be tackled in a serious manner.

The New Labour Project government showed itself as split, fat, out of touch, unadaptable, old-fashioned, desperate and undignified, a project whose only succesful aim was only to acquire power, no real ideology, no real belief in anything, and that attitude disseminated from above into the PLP. and that very lack of a system has a hand in my notion that as a group they are not rigorous or vigorous enough of a political party for them to be able to unite quickly behind politics as it happens. I cannot seem to see where Labour represents any kind of ideology of old or new. They seem today the most tribal and ideological bereft of political groups, a first past the post grubby lardass wannabe Tory MESS of a fake leftist political party which still understands that the poor don’t matter because the poor don’t vote.

England V Egypt: Player Ratings. Wednesday 4th March 2010.

GK:  Robert Green  –  Rating 6.6
Didn’t have to do much, he got nowhere near Zidan’s shot for the goal, but that wasn’t his fault, I would have liked to have seen Joe Hart, but looks like Capello has settled on Green.
LB:  Leighton Baines  –  Rating 6.6
A Gary Neville of a performance (and that’s not a criticism), certainly looks capable of filling in for Cole. He was beaten a couple of  times by the Egyptian right side attack, but made up for it with his support for our attack, his deflected cross which led to Milners saved shot rebounding to Shaun W-P for England’s second.
RB:  Wes Brown  –  Rating 6.7
“One Expression Wes”  Wes will never be the neatest of defenders (and without Rio or Cole, England’s defence looks as clumsy as I can ever remember), but he fumbled through making last ditch stretches to stop an attack or two. He will definitely concede penalties and corners, I can see the reason why he’s there because Glen Johnson gets all manic-depressive when he has to do anything that looks like it’s approaching defending..
Wes had one very important impact in the game, he set up Shaun WP an exquisite pass leading to England’s third. I think it was the first time he really connected with the right-sided attacker, he failed to with Walcott, but he proved himself with Shaun WP. He also made forays in the first half leading to a couple of dangerous crosses, I was pleasantly surprised yesterday with how confident he was in the opposition half.
CB1:  John Terry  –  Rating 6.4
Big night for Big John, he was booed plenty by all those big London club fans. we all know the type, the cynical mock cockney home-county Wankers who are resident at Wembley. Seems as if the fans who don’t do what the tabloids tell them to do and want England to play in a supportive atmosphere in World Cup year got behind him as well. Fair-play on them.
How he played?, well he played only slightly worse than he normally plays which is ok I suppose, he would usually have someone real good like Rio or at club level Carvalho (who got injured playing for Portugal last night, and is a scare for Chelsea) cleaning up his big cumbersome errors and it really shows when he has not. PLUS the nations eye is really on him at the moment.
Combining this performance with his recent matches at club level AND with the impact of the Bridge affair, well.. he needs to be watched, he could crumble, he could become a liability, he may even develop the yips.
CB2:  Matthew Upson  –  Rating 5.9
Responsible for Egypt’s goal, his slip on the apparently awful surface allowedZidan to pick his spot, so he has a good reason, but it’s not an excuse.. (the pitch)
Upson did Upson, that’s him!, slipping and scrambling and barging. The best he ever hope to be is Dunn style defender, good at all the physical stuff but shit at the athletic and brain stuff, the Rio stuff, the Lucio stuff. What a shit pair of Centre Backs mind. can we win the World Cup without Rio? doubt it.
MD1:  Frank Lampard  –  Rating 6.3
I ain’t hated on Frank so much in the last year or so, he’s proved at certain times that he can hold his own at Champions League level, and I take my hat off to him for that.
Last night was a return to old-fashioned Frank, and it’s just like .. why bother?. He’s Mr. Sideways pass then run in to receive a ball from a fellow midfielder who is actually doing his job and setting up his team mate, rather than Franks crab-like passing then hauling his fat ass imagining himself to be GabrielBatistuta at his peak then striking a ball in a way which will only make Diana Ross proud. He was a real problem, and I always feel there’s this defensive gap wherever he plays too, he offers little tangible support to any defensive player who may want to support an attack (i.e. Wes Brown). I mean, we could drop him like he’s cold and start with Milner for god-sake, who do we want starting? a positive attacking and progressive player who interlinks with everyone around him or Frank Lampard who is a cloud of nothing whose main abilities are winning free-kicks by falling over and set-pieces (he was poor on his corners last night too)
I think Lampard off the pitch was the main reason we picked up and connected as a team in the second half.
MD2:  Gareth Barry  –  Rating 7.4
Fairly Anon. in the first half, I seem to remember him scrabbling around hauling himself over the pitch trying to get near these nippy Egyptians who we were struggling to get the ball off, which I suppose is a part of his job description. Came to life in the second half interlinking with Carrick and Gerrard and Rooney, made forays into the box grabbing the assist in a very neat first goal, very strong.. should have had shitload’s of caps by now.
MD3:  Steven Gerrard  –  Rating 7.3
Similar performance to Barry, came alive in the second half when as a team we played so much better. His pitch perfect ball for Barry for England’s first is typical of his ability. He seemed to be operating from the central areas and in the first half leaving the left as a place to allow Rooney to go roaming in, Ican’t say I remember him out there too much at all and only really noticed the left being attacked during the second half with support from Baines and Milner.
Over years the argument has been Can Lampard and Gerrard play together? well that question is incorrect, the question is can Lampard play with anyone? I certainly wouldn’t start him.
MD4:  Theo Walcott  –  Rating  6.2
Theo oh Theo oh Theo, his lack of games for Arsenal is showing now. His job in the next two months is to work harder than he can ever imagine to become a starter and make an impact in the league and CL and get himself match fit. He’s still got ALL the pace, but is lacking something in confidence and its no good and aint going to get him on the plane to SA. He looks like he’s put a few pounds on his backside, maybe its to tough him up for some of sickening tackles he will have to face from all those clubs who think its fair game to smash an opposition player who’s about 4 stone lighter than they’re lightest defender, or maybe he’s just been sat on his ass too much? it has not affected his speed that’s for sure.
Come on Arsene, do England a favour.
CF:  Wayne Rooney  –  Rating 8.0
The Dude, the best player on form in the World, a constant threat, he usually had three defenders on him and still found space for shots, headers, exquisite passes, and Zizou-esque touches. A Talisman screaming at his underperforming team mates in the first half (who was his moral boosting outburst aimed at?).
England’s de-facto captain. He was always going to be real good, but this year he’s gone supernova. Zinedine Zidane class. that good. Not directly involved in the goals but easily the best player on the pitch, and he’s English.
As a 35-year-old Englishman I have to say its the first time I’ve ever been able to say that.
S:  Jermain Defoe  –  Rating 6.6
Defoe being my preferred partner of choice for Rooney, had an average game not taking the chance and a half that came to him, he linked up well withWazza a couple of times in the bleak atmosphere of the first half, but that was all really. Cant say too much negative or positive about him on last night’s showing. It was like the Egyptians were used to playing nippy little black kiddies (oh yeah, I forgot.. Egypt have been African champions three years running – dammit).
Sub  MD:  Michael Carrick  –  Rating 7.2 (for Lampard 46min)
I believe the exit of Lampard and entry of Carrick to be the turning point of the game and the man reason for England’s positive performance in the second half. A laser guided foot and a modest attitude with an ability to link up confidently with all those around him whilst supporting attack and defence with a certain amount of intelligence will get him on the plane. Progressively combative throughout his career, his talent is definitely on an upward curve. Although I still don’t like seeing him slide in for the tackle as he ain’t quite mastered that without giving away a dangerous free kick or a yellow card. its like Scholesy taught him to tackle.
Sub S:  Peter Crouch  –  Rating 8.5 (for Defoe 46min)
Gangly streak of piss super sub Peter Crouch made the biggest shout for inclusion last night for the squad with two wonderfully taken goals. Make no mistake, if it was Torres or Drogba we would be creaming over how quick they’re feet were. Sometimes a mistake teams make when he’s in the team is to play him like a “Big Man”, this is a mistake, he’s a great striker, just play him like an average size fella. He’s never in the Rooney class of heading, he’s 9ft7inch but weighs the same as an average size player and he aint GREAT in the air, he ain’t got the muscle.
An argument remains about if he is a starter and I don’t believe he is, he’s a Solskjaer, simple as.
Sub MD:  Shaun Wright-Phillips  –  Rating 8.2 (for Walcott 57min)
Alongside Crouch, Wright Phillips had the biggest impact of the night with one decent assist and a fortuitous goal. Replacing Walcott, the currently high in confidence right-wing attacking display by Shaun Wright Phillips pushes him to the top of the right-sided midfielder fight for a starting place. Teaming up well with Wes Brown in particular, he proved a constant threat and got behind the Egyptian lines to cross on more than one occasion. Playing constantly at Man City with all those tasty players has had a fantastic effect on him after he seemed to stall for a few years. It seems his ability to cause trouble on the pitch for the opposition is on an upward curve.. and its nice to see.
Sub MD:  James Milner  –  Rating 7.3 (for Gerrard 73min)
It’s hard to make an impact in 20 minutes but James Milner did, lashing a powerful shot from Baines’s deflected cross, which was poorly punched away by the Keeper to the alert Wright Phillips for England’s second and deciding goal of the night. Combine Milners spirited and effective performances for club and country and his general form means he will be going. Most people at the beginning of the season would not have put a bet on him, what with excellent performances from Young, Walcott, Lennon etc, but injuries and bad form and his ability to grab his history has made him a dead cert.
Sub CF:  Carlton Cole (not rated)  (for Rooney 86min)
I’m not rating him on 10 minutes of play, that’s impossible really.
Suffice to say I think he’s going as long as he stays injure free, I hope he goes and Heskey don’t anyways. Cant say I feel too strong about it. but Heskey? its back to the days of Franky & Heskey falling over all the time to win free kicks for Becks and EEEURGGH makes me puke.

Atmosphere at Wembley affected the confidence of our play in the first half (when will England start playing elsewhere for fucks sake), combine this with one of atoms failing to link up effectively with any of the other 11 atoms led to a disjointed display, A decent Egypt took full advantage and a deserved lead into the second half.
At half time Capello makes two changes – Carrick for Lampard & Crouch for Defoe, with instant effect, not only giving England some balance and stability but a finishing touch to some hard work by Barry, Gerrard, Carrick and Shaun Wright-Phillips
The African champions gave us a good fight and we learnt plenty..
One more thing, I do find it rather ridiculous we are not playing for 12 weeks (just before the world cup), this team needs to play, to get familiar with each other.. how else are we to beat Brazil or Spain?