Posts Tagged ‘ Kodak ’

Old Photo. Rob Evans.

Old Photo. Rob Evans

Photographs from 28th March 2009.

This was taken with a Kodak Single Use Camera Extanar Lens 800 ASA, in short.. a disposable bought in Boots.





Covent Garden. The above Five on 300D

And from Laura Michelle..

A Zany Big Ben shot, BUT Lil Ol’ Moi has a portrait by Laura Michelle.. sweet.

Sloaney London Fashion Ladies. Covent Garden.LMP

Hyde Park. The Serpentine in foreground.LMP

Worse ways of declaring love I suppose. Earnest man from newswipe Episode 4.LMP

Hyde Park Rally.LMP

Sculpture on the embankment.LMP

Hyde Park towards Park Lane.LMP
Here’s some photos taken by Laura Michelle and myself. Laura’s are the Black & White ones (all XP2 with an OM10 50mm & 28mm), and mine are the colour (300d with a Sigma 24-135mm)

My word I love Laura’s style, after seeing her stuff I just find myself loving film all over again, its a pleasure to post them.. I slightly photo shopped the last photo as it had a great big pube on the lens (probably mine).. sorry bout that Lor, I’m extremely pubic.
I need to borrow a film camera of off a certain someone, I wonder if that someone would read this so I wont have to phone her to ask…. doubt it. best get some credit.